30 Minutes ∙ Starting at $300
Mesotherapy involves a simple series of injections that help break down unwanted small localized areas of fat. Areas treatable with injection-based lipolysis include:
Upper and lower abdomen
Upper arms
Fat bulges below the bra-line
"Love handles"
Double chin

Ultimately, this technique incorporates the use of fine needles. These needles administer multiple injections into the skin at the middle layer, also known as the mesoderm to permanently destroy fat cells.
Mesotherapy is not recommended at certain conditions. These conditions are as follow:
• Pregnant women
• Breastfeeding mothers
• People with paralysis history
• Diabetic patients who have to use insulin
• Cancer patients
• Patients with blood coagulation disorders
• People who have an allergy against any substance that is used in microinjection process
• People with urticaria problem
• People with cardiac disease that is treated by using multiple medicines